Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureWatch Crews Move a 5.3-Million-Pound Bridge 110 Feet Using Dish SoapThe humble cleaning product is capable of helping move huge pieces of infrastructure.ByErin MarquisPublishedApril 25, 2023Comments (36)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureArnold Schwarzenegger Patched a Service Trench He Thought Was a PotholeThe former governor and T-800 actually performed a patch job on a service trench in use by the local gas company,…ByLawrence HodgePublishedApril 12, 2023Comments (29)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureIt's Not the Bike Lane's Fault You're a Bad DriverInstead of complaining about bike lanes, try paying attention while you're driving.ByCollin WoodardPublishedMarch 27, 2023Comments (208)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureWater Main Break Creates Massive Sinkhole at Cleveland IntersectionThe intersection remains open with a single lane of traffic in each direction around the sinkhole.ByRyan Erik KingPublishedMarch 21, 2023Comments (14)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureThe 15 Most Congested Highways in AmericaGPS data gathered from freight trucks reveals the slowest and busiest highways in the country.ByRyan Erik KingPublishedMarch 9, 2023Comments (44)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureWisconsin Uses Cheese Waste to Clear its Snowy RoadsWhy cover the road in rock salt when you can use delicious cheese brine to melt stubborn snow and ice?ByOwen BellwoodPublishedFebruary 20, 2023Comments (12)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureAn Archaic Maritime Law Is the Reason Why I-95 SucksStuck in traffic on the I-95 corridor? Blame the Merchant Marine Act of 1920.BySteve DaSilvaPublishedFebruary 7, 2023Comments (150)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureAmsterdam’s New $65M Underwater Bike Garage Isn’t Even the Biggest in the NetherlandsAmsterdam spent $65 million building an enormous bike store, which sounds impressive until you realize it’s not even…ByOwen BellwoodPublishedJanuary 26, 2023Comments (26)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureCan Parking Garages Be Beautiful?Designers are looking at the history of the parking garage to avoid building more ugly, concrete monstrosities.ByErin MarquisPublishedJanuary 23, 2023Comments (25)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureRoad Salt Is Turning Part of the Mississippi River Into a Toxic Salty MessNearly three decades of using road salt to clear snow in the Upper Midwest is threatening one of America's largest…ByJosé RodrÃguez Jr.PublishedJanuary 17, 2023Comments (9)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureHow Tulsa Highlights the Divide on Federal Highway RemovalDespite overwhelming local support, the Oklahoma DOT won't consider removing I-244 for at least another 30 years.ByRyan Erik KingPublishedJanuary 16, 2023Comments (14)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureHow New Jersey Will Spend $10.7 Billion to Make Traffic WorseThe state's highway expansion plan to add a few more lanes completely ignores that the Holland Tunnel only has two…ByRyan Erik KingPublishedDecember 19, 2022Comments (28)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureMilwaukee's Highway Expansion Will Make a Food Desert Even WorseI-94's eight-lane expansion is set to destroy a Milwaukee neighborhood's only place to buy food: a gas station.ByRyan Erik KingPublishedDecember 16, 2022Comments (59)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureThis Terrifying Elevator in the UK Never StopsJust hop-on, hop-off the Paternoster elevator in Sheffield, which is one of the last surviving examples in the world.ByOwen BellwoodPublishedNovember 24, 2022Comments (18)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureWest Virginia Sinkhole Is About to Swallow an Entire Police StationThe sinkhole has existed since June 2021 but recently became a much bigger problem. Literally.ByCollin WoodardPublishedNovember 17, 2022Comments (27)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureThis Is Why We Don't Have High-Speed Rail in the U.S.The $33 billion rail line in California is too big to fail, too unwieldy to succeed.ByErin MarquisPublishedOctober 10, 2022Comments (67)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructurePassengers Flee 19-Hour Train Ride From HellOverflowing toilets, no heat, no power, no food, and no communication from Amtrak of when the nightmare would end.ByErin MarquisPublishedOctober 10, 2022Comments (10)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureThe U.S. Would Rather Waste Billions to Build New Highways Than Fix the Broken OnesThe U.S. is prioritizing expensive new highways rather than fixing older roads that are in states of disrepair.ByJosé RodrÃguez Jr.PublishedSeptember 8, 2022Comments (42)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureAmerica's Freeways Under Assault by Italian FoodWho could possibly be behind this smearing of Italian-Americans' good name and delicious cuisine?ByErin MarquisPublishedAugust 31, 2022Comments (22)
Beyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBeyond CarsOur Garbage InfrastructureBoston’s Orange Line Shuts for 30 Days for 'Five Years’ Worth' of UpgradesThe Orange Line commuter train has shut so that engineers can carry out a lot of repairs, though it's already hit…ByOwen BellwoodPublishedAugust 24, 2022Comments (8)