I agree with this sentiment 1000%, years ago when I was younger (and perhaps a bit more reckless) I set out on a 6000M journey on a Ducati Monster, which you might recognize as NOT a touring bike, more-or-less on a whim. I started in Kansas City and headed to San Diego, up Highway 1 to Portland then back via Idaho,…
finally, CarPlay’s pedestrian killer app. Read more
“If you desperately need to order mediocre pizza before you finish your commute home” Read more
Imma go see it. Looks self-aware and cheeky as hell, like a Barbie-fied Zoolander. Read more
Back when I started this series, I thought my list would be ten vehicles. Then I discovered that doing research on ten often obscure cars was going to take too long, so I backed to down to seven before settling on nine. Read more
^ Thiiiiis. If an e-bike gets more people on two wheels, I’m for it.
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The 4-4-2 is an up-badged Cutlass S. I made the decision kind of late in the game when I was getting paint done so I still have some Cutlass badge holes in the body so it’s super obvious. Not that it matters. The original 350 with 2-speed auto both blew a very long time ago and it now has a 425 with a Muncie 4-speed.… Read more
“I’m putting you in charge of this investigation.” Read more
Hey, owner here! Feel free to contact me directly @rusty_speednut on Instagram or Twitter if it’s spotted. Obviously call the police too but I’ll try and respond to any leads.
Also, this car is extremely important to me, and I’m happy to discuss a reward for finding it or any information that leads to it. Thank you all… Read more
Stupid car designed by a complete hack, I wouldn’t take it if you gave it to me. Go ahead, test me. Give me one and you’ll see. Just go ahead and give me the keys and walk away. I won’t drive it. I mean, the only way to know for sure it so drop one in my driveway, so go ahead. I don’t even care what color you give me,… Read more
Steve and the Datsun Z... Read more
How does that saying go? “A man who represents himself has a fool for a client”?
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Yes, as many of you have pointed out: The headline initially said “$2 a day” when it should have said “$2 an hour.” That was my mistake, and I’ve fixed it. Thank you to the comment section for alerting us to this error! Read more