TechTechElectric Big-Rigs Are Expected to Match Diesels on Running Costs by 2030Improvements in battery costs, and affordable renewable energy to recharge them, could make electric commercial…ByJosé RodrÃguez Jr.PublishedApril 14, 2023Comments (20)
TechAutonomous CarsTechAutonomous CarsZoox Swears Its 'Self-Certified' Robotaxis Exceed Federal Safety StandardsThe Amazon-backed robotaxi maker says its autonomous vehicles are no less safe than any other car, claims they…ByJosé RodrÃguez Jr.PublishedApril 13, 2023Comments (7)
TechTechThe NYPD Can Now Shoot GPS Trackers at Your CarThe StarChase Guardian-HX uses the lower receiver from an AR-15 rifle and launches adhesive-tipped GPS trackers to…BySteve DaSilvaPublishedApril 13, 2023Comments (128)
TechAutonomous CarsTechAutonomous CarsWaymo Cars Don’t Work In Heavy FogFive test vehicles blocked traffic in San Francisco Tuesday morning, unable to drive any further.BySteve DaSilvaUpdatedApril 13, 2023Comments (24)
TechTechPepsi Unveils Fleet of Tesla Semis, Most of Which it Got For FreePepsi is touting its fleet of Tesla Semis as an environmentally friendly investment, but state and federal grand…ByJosé RodrÃguez Jr.PublishedApril 12, 2023Comments (52)
TechTechGoogle Maps Will Finally Be Useful in State ParksThe app is getting maps that work offline, and the ability to show full trails.BySteve DaSilvaPublishedApril 11, 2023Comments (8)
TechTechUK Experts Think Heavy EVs Might Cause the Collapse of Old Parking GaragesBritish experts are worried multi-story parking garages are at risk of collapse as the country moves to transition…ByLawrence HodgePublishedApril 10, 2023Comments (25)
TechTechYou Can Now Order Domino's Pizza Through Apple CarPlayIf you'd rather tap away at a screen while driving than make a simple phone call, Domino's has the solution for you.BySteve DaSilvaPublishedApril 10, 2023Comments (15)
TechTechNikola Is Still DesperateThe startup is selling millions of dollars of new stock at below-market rates.ByErik ShillingPublishedApril 4, 2023Comments (2)
TechTechAdam Conover Reminds Us That Self-Driving Car Tech Probably Isn't Going Anywhere SoonCompanies like Tesla have wasted a lot attempting to develop tech no one really asked for.ByLawrence HodgePublishedApril 3, 2023Comments (23)
TechTechDeep Sea Mining for EV Metals Could Kick Off Soon Thanks to Regulatory LoopholeMiners are in a rush to dive to the ocean floor and retrieve all the precious EV metals locked in polymetallic…ByJosé RodrÃguez Jr.PublishedApril 3, 2023Comments (24)
TechAutonomous CarsTechAutonomous CarsZoox Hired a Classically-Trained Musician to Craft the Sound of its Self-Driving TaxiYou won’t have to talk with your Zoox Robotaxi, but you will still have to listen to it, and heed its audio prompts.ByJosé RodrÃguez Jr.PublishedApril 3, 2023Comments (5)
TechTechMost EVs Ineligible For Full $7,500 Tax Credit Under New Federal RulesThe strict sourcing and assembly rules in the Inflation Reduction Act will cut or reduce tax credits for most EVs…ByJosé RodrÃguez Jr.PublishedMarch 31, 2023Comments (17)
TechTechCalifornia Wants Half of Heavy Truck Sales to Be Electric by 2035The state got special permission from the Biden administration to enact tougher rules than the feds.ByErik ShillingPublishedMarch 31, 2023Comments (14)
TechAutonomous CarsTechAutonomous CarsWaymo's Pacifica Hybrids Are Going Away in Favor of an All-EV FleetThe company will replace what few Chrysler vans it purchased with additional Jaguar I-Paces, before introducing a…ByAdam IsmailPublishedMarch 31, 2023Comments (2)
TechTechThis GMC Hummer EV Pickup for Overlanding Will Help You Drive Even Further From a Charging StationGMC is collaborating with Earthcruiser on an overlanding "upfit solution" for the Hummer EV Pickup.ByErik ShillingPublishedMarch 30, 2023Comments (8)
TechTechThe U.S. Treasury Will Rule on EV Tax Credits and Loopholes in the Inflation Reduction ActThe EV transition in America could make EV leases a better prospect than outright purchases, at least until domestic…ByJosé RodrÃguez Jr.PublishedMarch 30, 2023Comments (6)
TechAutonomous CarsTechAutonomous CarsSelf-Driving Cars Keep Getting Into Hit-and-Runs — As VictimsA report found that human drivers in San Francisco keep crashing into autonomous cars, and fleeing the scene when…ByOwen BellwoodPublishedMarch 30, 2023Comments (12)
TechAutonomous CarsTechAutonomous CarsSelf-Driving Trucks, Tractors and Trains Are Touted as the Solution to Worker Shortages in the U.S.Caterpillar, John Deere and Parallel Systems are working on autonomous vehicles to allegedly fill out the ranks at…ByJosé RodrÃguez Jr.PublishedMarch 29, 2023Comments (28)
TechTechMinnesota Residents Worry They’ll Be Footing the Bill for the State’s Charging NetworkXcel Energy wants their rate payers to fork up nearly 16 percent of the total cost of Minnesota's charging network.ByLawrence HodgePublishedMarch 28, 2023Comments (50)